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Wildbrain CPLG


WildBrain CPLG est un acteur majeur de la Licence qui représente un catalogue très riche de marques à fortes notoriétés s’adressant à un public large.

Snoopy, the emoji® brand, Sonic, Wednesday, Panthère Rose, The Lapins Crétins, Yale, Harvard, Chupa Chups, Crayola… sont autant de franchises impactantes que nous mettons à disposition de nos partenaires pour le développement d’opérations promotionnelles et fidélisation, co-branding, campagnes marketing ou encore produits dérivés.

WildBrain CPLG est présent dans le monde entier à travers ses 23 bureaux situés en Europe, Etats-Unis, Moyen Orient et depuis peu en Inde et en Chine !

👉 More information on:

Clémentine GOUTAINE

Commercial Director


Dr. Claw has reactivated his global crime syndicate and the clumsy Inspector is forced to return to save the world!

Ghostbusters is a franchise that began in 1984,

Created in 1991, Sonic, the fastest hedgehog in the world, has enjoyed resounding success...

Strawberry Shortcake is one of the most popular 80s television series in the world. Since its creation in 1973, with the release of a simple Valentine's Day greeting card,

The best series in the world!

Snoopy and the Peanuts continue to resonate with their millions of fans around the world and will celebrate their 75th anniversary in 2025.

Teletubbies have been delighting little ones for several generations

The sequel to Karate Kid, 30 years after the films

The Wednesday series directed by Tim Burton is the revelation of the moment and one of the most popular series on Netflix for teens and adults with more than 252 million views.


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